Friday 21 October 2011

My favorite TV shows :D

Hey guys! So..I'm not going to the cinema in the next week (Nothing new coming out here) But there are like 3 new movies coming out next week that I wanna see( In Time, Fright Night, I Don't Know How She Does It.)
So...for my weekly post and for a bonus, since my review for Abduction wasn't that long, I'm gonna tell you what TV shows I watch and what my new favorites are :D So I think I will start with my all time favs :D

Sex And The City

Now..this is a show that I discovered..around 3 years ago, I think.For the longest time, I got told that I was never allowed to watch this show. I was always told that it was inappropriate for me and all that jazz. But, the way I discovered this show was quite strange. In 2008, I brought the first SATC film on DVD. I dunno why I brought it was a two disc version with a slipcase. So that drew me in.  But I never watched the film. It just sat on my shelf looking pretty. So, within the next year, I went into a used book store and they had the first season there for really cheap. I dunno why I brought it..but I did. So..I watched the first season and LOVED IT!! Just the bonds between all of the characters and all of the different scenarios that they went through, I just loved! But the main friendship between the four girls is what sold me on this show. The chemistry between them all is so strong you can tell that they really love each other. So over the next few months, I brought the rest of the series on DVD and got addicted! So finished the series and laughed and cried with the girls as they went through everything. Everything dealing from cancer, break-ups, marriages, moving cities etc. And of course I have watched the films as well. I finally watched my unused DVD copy of the first film and LOVED IT! Very rarely, I can watch a film that has me crying and laughing all at the same time. So over the years, It has become one of my all time favorite films :D And then..number 2 came out..I went opening day with my mother and I was very excited :D be honest, I was very satisfied. I can proudly admit that I am one of the only people that actually LOVED SATC 2 :D It had all of the moments of friendship that I wanted. I know that the story wasn't the greatest but I was laughing away with the girls :D So yeah! That's my relationship with Sex And The City. Ever since it has become one of my obsessions :D Here! Let me show you :D

I kinda went out and brought the original movie poster..Also, I have brought books, soundtracks, blu rays, perfumes etc. And I have also gotten quite a few friends of my friends into the series as well :D So yeah! That just shows you how much I love Sex And The City :D

Next show I have is...The Nanny

This show and I go WAY back!  As long as I can remember, I can remember seeing the opening to this show on TV when I was younger but I never watched the show for some reason. Then..A few years later, I rented the second season on DVD.  I dunno why I did. It must of been a spur of the moment thing. But anyways, i watched and..I really liked it. It don't know why, But I didn't love it back then as I do now. Anyways, I went to the store and I found the first and second season for really cheap so I just brought them and watched them. And...I found myself watching the two seasons OVER and OVER and OVER. I just fell in love with the whole thing and all of the separate characters and the humor. 3 years later the third season came out on DVD and I was over the moon!  So..I watched that season religiously as well. first and second season decided to break on me :(  So ATM I only have the third season to watch. They need to release the rest of the series of DVD! I need some more Nanny to watch!
Anyways, since I have watched this so show so many times, I think it has become my favorite TV series. I personally can't get enough of the show and I never get sick of it. Not to mention, I have fallen in love with Fran Drescher :D I actually don't find her voice annoying. i think it's part of her charm. So I actually love it :D


So..the show and I go WAY, WAY back! I used to actually watch this when I was younger and I still do nowadays. From what I can remember, I used to watch Bewitched at 6.00 and Sabrina, The Teenage Witch at 6.30 :D So this is one of the only shows that I watched when I was younger that I still watch now. And own on DVD haha! So..I don't know why I love this show so much. Maybe the nostalgia of it? I know that I love the cast and the charm of it. I know that if you watch the show nowadays, the effects seem tacky and laughable but I'm sure that in it's day, the effects were believable and that they created an impact in its time. They have certainly created an impact on me because I have used the effects that they use in my own movies. And because of this show, I wouldn't of know how to use those effects. So this show has a really special place in my heart in that manor. Now, I own the first 5 seasons on DVD. I personally never watch past the fifth season because I don't like it when they change Darrin's. I grew up with Dick York playing the character so that's the way I like it to be :D


So...I still watch a lot of cartoons nowadays :D I don't think I will ever grow out of cartoons. I didn't watch as  many as other kids but I have my certain favorites :D

Beavis and Butt-Head

Now, I didn't watch this cartoon growing up. It was another thing that I wasn't allowed to watch growing up. But as I grew up, I started to really get into animated films so I watched the film. And I liked the film but I didn't really get it that much. So..I went to the store and found the first DVD volume for really cheap so I brought it. So, I watched it and loved it! I have grown to love the humor and just go along with it :D So I went out and brought the next two volumes. And as of now, I have watched them all religiously. I personally can't get enough of it! And I have watched the film quite a few times now as well. And now, I can't wait for the new series to start next week :D


I frigging love this show! This was my favorite show to watch growing up and I still love it to this day :D I don't know why this is my favorite. I guess, its because I never watched many of the other shows. I never watched The Angry Beavers, Cat-Dog, Rocko's Modern Life, Hey Arnold or anything like that. Gosh, I never watched anything haha! But I loved all of the characters and the different situations that they got into. Now..I didn't watch this for that long. I thought after Dil came into the picture, the series went down hill. I hated Dil!! He was so bloody annoying! And then when Kimi came in, the animation changed, and I didn't like the series after that.  So..I just watched old reruns and I really liked the movies so i watched all of them over and over :D So yeah. Rugrats will always have a special place in my heart as the cartoon I always used to watch after school :D

Spongebob Squarepants

SPONGEBOB! I want to marry Spongebob :D I love this show SOOO much :D I have loved this show ever since it first came out :D I think everyone loves this show because of it's randomness :D Seriously, every episode in this show is like WTF!? And the characters in this are just loveable! I love Patrick in this :D And Squidward. And Sandy. O darn, I love everyone in this! I just flipping love this show! :D


I love Anime! I have loved Anime ever since I was small. One of my favorite shows growing up was Sailor Moon :D It used to be on at like 7am in the morning so I used to get up to watch it haha! I dunno why i love it so much! I just think I loved anything with cool female leads :D And since Serena had cool powers and everything it made it all the better :D Apparently, I used to have a costume and barbie dolls and everything of Sailor Moon! I personally don't remember having any of these but that's what my parents said haha!
Then, when I got into my very early pre-teens, Cardcaptors came on TV and I got hooked all over again :D It used to be on TV at like 4pm so I used to rush home to watch it :D Still to this day, I have my Clow book :D (The book where Sakura keeps all of her cards :D) I had videos, dolls, books etc. I loved it!
Now recently, I have gotten into Anime again. I have started watching Yuru Yuri, Lucky Star and HEAPS of others! I dunno why I love Anime so much. I just love all of the cuteness that they have :)

Ok..Let's get onto the recent shows that I watch :D These are gonna be shows that have been on the air for more than a year :D I will do all of shows that are new this year later on :D

The Big Bang Theory

When this show first came out, I HATED IT! I refused to watch it and I thought it was stupid and annoying etc. But then...I caved in..I watched the first few episodes and got hooked!  The best thing about this show is the characters! I mean, Sheldon Cooper is the best character on TV! The fact that he is just the way he is makes the show so funny to watch! Although I don't really like Raj and Howard that much, Sheldon just makes the whole show :D Also, I love the whole Jewish Stereotype with Howard and his mother. I am so happy that the show is getting a 6th and 7th season :D
Also, does anyone else thing Leonard is super sexy! :D

Desperate Housewives

Yay! I have loved this show ever since it first came on. I love that this show has the elements of a sitcom and of a drama show. Anything with great leading ladies, i will watch :D But anyways, this show..I love that it has mysteries and that each season has it's own separate mystery. The show has had it's share of loves and hates. There are some certain plot lines that I have hated and some that I have loved.  Some characters I love and some characters I hate. But I am glad that I have stuck this show out right till the end :D I know that the season currently airing is the final season and I am really sad to see it go. But I hope that all the questions I have will be answered. Nothing I hate more than unanswered questions. Anyways, I love the humor in this! Some of the situations that the girls get into are so hilarious and I personally love seeing humor and drama in one show :D


Ahhh!!! What gay guy doesn't love Glee!! :D I love everything about this show! The music, the characters, the plot lines, the humor, EVERYTHING!! To me, I call this show alternative. Just the way it's delivered and the just don't find in a normal TV show. Even though I don't like some of the stereotypes that the show gives off, it all pays off with believable characters. Of course, everyone can relate to this show! There is a character in here that everyone can relate to. For me, of course it's Kurt. My old high school and Mckinley have a lot in common bully wise... But anyways..One of the shows I look forward to watching every week :D

The Vampire Diaries

Ahhh, of course you had to know that this would be on here :D I have only seen the first season to be honest. I actually brought it without knowing what it would be like...So I watched it and LOVED it! I loved everything about this show! The storylines, the characters, the special effects. Everything! But..I missed watching season 2 on TV so I had to wait for the DVD. And that came out a couple of weeks ago so..I just have to wait to get that :D So yeah.......GO TEAM STEFAN AND JEREMY!

So..That's that! Now I have to tell you what ones I like that are new this year :D Gosh this has been going for so long haha!

2 Broke Girls

Now...I was very skeptical about this..It just didn't seem that interesting to me. But then, I saw it stared Kat Dennings and was being made by the makers of Sex And The City :D So I watched the pilot and LOVED it! The plot isn't exactly original but the way that this show portrays it is hilarious! I love the cast and the humor :D I think this is the show that I look forward to the most watching every week :D


Oh my gosh, I love this show! The way that this show takes the piss out if the suburbs and stereotypes is just so hilarious!! The characters are each so unique and the humor is just so perfect and spot on :D Also..I loved the Glee reference that they made in the pilot episode :D

And last but not least..New Girl :D

I have excited for this show for AGES just because I love Zooey Deschanel :D And when it finally arrived, I was SOO happy!! :D The pilot to this show was SOO funny! The whole plot line with Dirty Dancing was just genuis :D And then the episode where Jess went over to her ex boyfriends house to get her stuff back was just so funny! Anyways, there has only been 3 episodes so far but I can tell you that I am most excited for the new episodes :D

So..That's that! Jeez, that was long! So hope everyone enjoyed and I hope I'm not the only gay guy that likes these shows :D


  1. x3 hehehehe, i had help in bringing you back to anime! :D wooooh, !!!!

  2. LOL. Very nice! It was an interesting insight into you reading this. I miss Cardcaptors! :'( Sucks they didn't dub the 2nd movie with the original english speaking actors too. The exact reason you love SATC so much is why I fell in love with Charmed by the way :D LOL, started to love animated films as you got older! That's just funny to me, cos for me it was the opposite, though I still love my childhood favs :D They're masterpieces, classics, etc :)
    Okay, Vampire Diaries, watch season 3! You won't like Stefan anymore, trust me. NO SPOILERS just the truth :P In the meantime I can't wait till you get season 2 :D
    I'll end this comment, with YAY GLEE!!!
