Thursday 20 October 2011


Hey guys! :D So I just got back from the cinema....again.Tonight, I saw Abduction...for the second time :D I saw the film opening weekend and I wanted to see it again from a critic point of view. I had to choose from this, Smurfs or Real Steel. No way in hell am I seeing Smurfs again and I really don't wanna see a movie about boxing robots. I don't care if it's good or anything. I won't sit through a sport movie. Gay stereotype, I know but..I really hate sport. Anyways! let's get started :D

First up I have to say that that poster is lying to you haha. When he goes down that glass..thing, he doesn't get shot at and he doesn't hold a gun haha.
Anyways..enough nit picking..
Wow, I can't believe I saw a 2D movie for once haha! I personally can't see why this movie is getting so bashed on. It's certainly not as bad as..Oh I dunno...Smurfs and Spy Kids 4! I'm sorry..those movies really got me aggravated. This..certainly didn't! First time I watched this I absolutely loved it! I was having fun with all of the action and..I just really loved it. But I didn't watch it from a critic point of view. So I did, this time around. And..I have a few nit picks but I don't its as bad as some other people are saying it is.
The major nit pick I have with this is the story. Now..I don't know how this story is compared with other action films since I very rarely watch these kind of films. I usually avoid these kind of films since I find the whole CIA thing confusing. For example, I watched Salt a while back and I found that film confusing as hell. Anyways..(sorry, I always get sidetracked lol) this one I found somewhat confusing. I really want to talk about the story but I don't want to spoil it. Let's just say that somethings don't connect and they don't really explain somethings to the fullest extent. I'm not saying that there are plot holes but some things just don't make perfect sense to me. Maybe that's because I haven't seen that many of these movies before, I don't know. But some parts were just confusing to me.
Next thing is editing. Some of the editing was really choppy and random in this! For example, there is a scene near the beginning of the film where they build some character development and it's a fighting scene. Every shot is liek BAM! BAM! BAM! Everything changes quickly and you can't take in what is going on. There are a few scenes where that happens so it does get annoying.
Next thing is the acting. Some of the performances in this (SOME! Not all) weren't exactly...brilliant. I usually can't tell when people are acting really bad unless it's really obvious. The first person that comes to mind is Sigourney Weaver. I have HUGE respect for her as in actress and I was super excited when it was announced that she would be part of this film. Even though she isn't in this for long, (try the start and end of the film) you can tell that she just wanted her pay check. There are some other actors that couldn't act that well but I don't really know their names since they are minor characters.
The last thing I wanna talk about is the main cast. (This review isn't gonna be as thorough as the other ones because there isn't that much to talk about to be honest) Now, I am gonna share something personal with you guys. I am a HUGE Twilight fan and I am seriously in love with Taylor Lautner :D (Team Jacob!) So, of course, he was the real reason why I wanted to see this film. And for a Taylor fan, I was very satisfied :D Even though there are only like 2 shots where his shirt off....:( For all of those people that say that all this film is a movie where Taylor is running around with his shirt off through out the whole thing, I can tell you that there is only 2 scenes where that happens haha! As acting wise..Sure, he isn't the best actor in the world but he certainly isn't the worst! (Tommy Wiseau, anyone?) I mean..he actually cries in this film. I certainly can't fake cry haha! So..yeah! I absolutely idolize Taylor as a person so I really can't give him any hate for this film. Also, I am so used to seeing him as Jacob from The Twilight Saga so for me, it's so weird seeing him drinking and partying etc. Also...It's so weird seeing him being called with a different name. It's like when I saw Water For Elephants. That movie starred Robert Pattinson who plays Edwards in Twilight. His charcters names was Jacob in that film so..that was weird for me! But anyways, in Abduction, Taylor plays a character called....Nathan..Now, if you don't know, my real name is Nathan as well so it was so weird seeing Taylor being called my name. I am still convinced that it's a sign! :D One can only hope..
The other main character in this is called Karen who is played by Lily Collins. I actually really liked her in this! I can defiantly tell that she is going to become a new star out of Hollywood and I am defiantly looking forward to seeing how she would play Snow White in the new upcoming film :D
Also..I think the rest of the cast in underused. Jason Issacs, Maria Bello and Alfred Molina are all great in this but they just aren't in it very much. I mean, they aren't pointless. Each of their characters are important to the plot but apparently not to important to be in it for more than a third of the film. Bit disappointed in that manor.
Oh, one more thing! I LOVE the action in this film! The train scene and the car chasing scenes, oh gosh I love them all! All very well individually choreographed and fun to watch all at the same time.
Now...That's all I can come up with to be honest. I have no effects or 3D or anything like that to comment on,  unfortunately.. Anyways, I really liked this film. I love to watch the action and the actors are fun to watch and look at. So, I am going to classify this as a positive review since I think that is deserves more than 5 percent on Rotten Tomatoes >.<

Watch the trailer down below:

3 out of 5 stars for me :D :D

1 comment:

  1. Lol. You got sidetracked! Anyway, yeah not a bad film, just not great. This film did nothing to make Taylor look good as an actor, but he did pretty well. The plot was very weak, and I was disappointed like you in all the grea actors in it that were underused or seemed just there to fit small roles and who can only have done it for a paycheck.
    This film comes across as a blockbuster type thing, but it lacks any of the artistry. The soundtrack was very basic, and the editing very much your boring old fanfare for this type of thing.
    They didn't do much to get you emotionally involve din the plot at all, and the scenes where there might have been something i felt were strongly geared towards straight male audiences (perhaps an attempt to widen Taylor's appeal to boys as well as the screaming girls).
    The start of the film was... yuk. Riding bonets, drinking at [parties, wkaing up shirtless, yeah, all so sloppy film making without any good music or editing, and no attempt at establishing something for the plot except showing us, "look he's a normal guy who's going to have his life turned upside down then seemingly forget that he;s lost his parents and everything, none of it matters, after all, the girl likes him!" Give me a break...
    Good way to spend a lazy afternoon staring at Taylor, crap film.
    Oh, the action choreography on the train was like... wow, one scene in this film is actually done well. The kissing/heart to heart in the train compartment wasn't bad either.
