Wednesday 16 November 2011

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1.

Hey guys!! I'm back! I have taken a little break but I am back now. I will talk about all the films I have seen over the past few weeks in a few days but today..I'm gonna talk about Twilight. But I will mostly focus on Breaking Dawn: Part 1. I will talk about what I think of each film since I watched them all in the past week :D So if your not a Twilight fan, don't read :P

Well..I think everyone has heard of the Twilight saga by now :D I mean, I've even got my Nan to watch Twilight :D Anyways, I first heard about the movie when some of my friends were talking about the books, saying they were amazing and all of that. So I read the first half of the first book and loved it! I had to take it back to the library so I couldn't finish it :( So, a few weeks later my cinema announced that they were having a preview screening of the film so I thought. "Why the hell not!" So, I went to the movie and..I LOVED IT!  I had never really had much experience with vampires before so this was practically my first vampire movie. I loved everything about it. The cast, the story, the cinematography, everything :D The last 20 minutes, I was glued to the film! I was so intense and I was there with them. So..from this moment one..I became obsessed with the franchise :) The movie does grow old after around 10-20 watches(which is how many times I have watched it..:/) The movie gets old for me because..well basically, I hate Edward. I think he is way to over protective and creepy. I personally think that I wouldn't be able to fall in love with a 100 year old dude who never ages, who is always cold, pale and is..dead. I personally go for the long hair, hot, warm, buff..alive type..Which brings me to Jacob :D Jacob/Taylor is life :D I love everything about the character. Minus the fact that he's in Twilight for like 4 scenes :( That's why I don't like to watch it that much. But anyways, for an Edward fan, I'm sure that the film is perfect for them :)

New Moon:

Ahhh..New Moon. I can't tell you how excited I was for this film :D My friends and I had our tickets booked for ages and the day finally came :D And I was so pleased with it! I loved that most of the film had no Edward in it and that it focused on the friendship of Bella and Jacob. Edward was in Brazil to protect Bella or something. I was mostly focused on Jacob for the film :D He went through the transformation and got all of his hair cut off and Ahhh!! I love him :D My main complaint with this film was that it doesn't explain much..The whole Volturi thing, I don't really understand but I let those pass :) And the ending to this film woah! It leaves it on a total cliffhanger and nearly everyone in my screening was yelling or screaming at the screen haha! Anyways, from when I walked out of this..that's when I became truly obsessed :D I ended up seeing it 4 times in the cinema and buying the dvd the day it came out etc etc :D :D


Ahhh..Now this one I was truly excited for! I actually went to the midnight screening for this film. Also went to the double feature of Twilight and New Moon before it :D Anyways, this film was just...Ahhh, This film was intense the first time I watched it :D That tent scene...Hoo-haa! That was just tense and great to see on screen :) And then the main fight scene at the end, woah! That was just SOO much fun to watch :D Anyways, I think this film is a Team Edward film. There are so many scenes where it is just Edward and Bella talking about nothing. (I'm sure Edward fans love them but I certainly don't) Those are the scenes I always dread watching. Anyways, I ended up seeing this 5 times in the theater and I saw it again tonight before Breaking Dawn so that means I saw it 6 times in the cinema! Woo hoo that's a record for me :D

Breaking Dawn:Part 1

Ahhh..I went to the midnight screening for this one as well :D With the wait between Eclipse and Breaking Dawn (18 months), the fanbase began to die down and I was one of them. But not because I didn't like it anymore but because of a person. Anyways, with the trailers and posters for Breaking Dawn coming out, I started to get re-obsessed again :D And now..I am just..ultra-obsessed! This film was PERFECT in every way! Straight from the first few minutes, you can tell that that this film is different from the others. But in a very good way :) This one..has more life. With all of the other films..the actors don't really give their lines with much enthusiasm. But this one, they go all out! Especially Kristen Stewart. I love that this film has a new director. He has put so much fun and life in it!
In this film..I actually like Edward. ( I still love Jacob but Edward was bearable in this) You can tell that his character genuinely loves Bella and that she loves him back :) He just..he wasn't his boring self in this.
Ahh, this film was beautiful to look at. The wedding, Isle Esme, The beaches, everything just looked so gorgeous! And Kristen Stewart looked absolutely stunning in her wedding dress :) Everyone just seemed..real in this! In the previous films, they seemed 1 dimensional but in this one, they just seem..more real! More feelings, more love, more..everything! Ahhh, I can't talk about much without giving to much away..:(
OMG, I loved the wolf vision! You actually see the point of view of Jacob with him as a wolf and you can hear the wolves thoughts and everything :) I loved that they added this in since I didn't really know much about the tribe and stuff. They just don't introduce the characters very well in the previous films. But in this film, I now know their names and I can bring a name to a face :)
I was on the edge of my seat and biting my nails through out this film! I don't want to spoil anything but get prepared for some intense scenes :)
The music/soundtrack in this is so good! The soundtrack is actually filled with fun, rock songs not slow depressing songs like the previous films. I actually brought the soundtrack to be honest :D and they bring back the score from the first film as well :D And they also bring back Bella's Lullaby for a very important scene :)
So..That's all I really want to comment on at the moment. There are so many things I want to talk about but I don't really want to spoil anything.
So I think that this film is a Twilight fan's wet dream. Everything about it is perfect in every way in my opinion. The story, the characters, the quirkiness, the music, everything :) So even if you remotely like Twilight. GO SEE THIS!!!

P.S. Some people should take some tissues. My cousin and I were crying throughout it :( Also, look out for the cameo from Author, Stephenie Meyer and make sure you stay during the credits since there is a bonus clip :D

Monday 24 October 2011

The Lion King 3D

Hey guys! :D I know I said that my TV show post was gonna be my post for the week but I am getting addicted to this. I am getting heaps of new ideas so I have decided whenever I get a new idea, that I'm just gonna do it before I regret/forget it :D But of course I will have my usual movie reviews :D Speaking of reviews. I am seeing One Day this week. Since it's my birthday on Wednesday, I always go out to the cinema with my friends for it. So this year, I decided it to be One Day since it comes out this week and I have been excited for it for AGES! :D So anyways, this isn't going to be a review exactly. This is gonna be my personal story with the film 'The Lion King.' And I have a huge story to tell! And also I will give a little mini review and all of that stuff :D Anyways, lets get started :)

Ok. Man, do I have a lot to talk about with this film. When I first heard that they announcing that they were re-releasing this film in 3D, I groaned. For most of my life, I HATED this film with a huge passion. I had never hated a film so much more than this one. And then..the trailer came out. The first time I saw the trailer in the cinema, I was at the Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2 midnight screening. And it was sold out so the whole cinema was packed as it can get. After the played the Breaking Dawn trailer(Which got booed, I might add) They played The Lion King trailer and...Nearly everyone in the cinema applauded and wooped at the screen. I was not one of those people. For years, I have been constantly thinking why people love this film so much. I always thought it was the worst Disney movie and I really hated it growing up. Let me say that my favorite film growing up and my favorite animated classic is The Little Mermaid. I always preferred watching the princess movies and I always avoided the Disneys that were aimed at boys eg, Lion King, Jungle Book..Does Aladdin count? I always thought that was a film aimed at boys but it's mostly girls that watch it because of Princess Jasmine. But anyways, I always avoided that film as well. Over the years, I had grown to appreciate Aladdin and Jungle Book. But Lion King always stayed in my most hated films books. I don't know why I never liked it as a kid. I think I had grown to hate it because I was never allowed to watch the movies I wanted to watch. I grew up with a child carer since my parents were never really around since they split when I was really young. But my child carer was one of those people were she had all of her clients at her house. Like everyday, she would have 10+ kids to look after. I hope I am explaining myself correctly lol. Anyways, everyday, we had to choose a movie to watch and..I never really got to watch the movies I wanted to watch. Most of the kids always wanted to watch Lion King so poor Ariel always got ruled out. So anyways, while they were watching Lion King, I always went into the next room to read. I remember doing that so many times haha! Maybe that's why I love reading so much haha. So I think that's my real reason why I never liked it as a kid.
Another reason why I never liked it was the it scared the living crap out of me! That opening scene with that operatic voice while the sun is rising used to make me run out of the room and hide behind someone. I don't know why no else found that bit terrifying! If you heard that while you trying to sleep, you would probably crap your pants! Also, I hated the wildebeest scene! That image of them, running down the cliff is scarred into my mind and then the sound comes on and..ahh! That just used to terrify me! Then..getting into my teenage years got worse..
You know when you meet someone new and you ask each other what was your favorite movie growing up was? I will give you how one of those conversations usually went with me.....

Person: "So what were favorite movies growing up?"
Me: "Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Alice In Wonderland, Beauty And The Beast, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White."
Person: "Where's Lion King on that list?"
Me: "I never liked that movie growing up"
Person: "WHAT!? The Lion King is a freaking masterpiece!"
Me: >.< *mutters under breath* "Not another one!"

So..I constantly felt alone on that part. I always felt that I was the only one who liked the princess movies and that everyone else always loved Lion King. So that always got me hating on Lion King even more. I have met a couple of people over the years that have told me that they also preferred the princess movies growing up but..not very many lol...Try 3 people.. I have also had arguments about the film. I always thought that it was a ripoff of Kimba The White Lion and that Disney was stupid enough to not acknowledge them. I mean, with the other movies, you know it's a retelling of an older story because its in the actual title of the film! Lion King..not so much..Disney stole some of the shots from Kimra, they stole the plot and not to mention that all of the characters names in Lion King are anagrams of the characters names in Kimba..They ripped them off so much that there was this whole controversy about it..And still, to this day, Disney don't credit them.. People have always defended this but i have always fought back. I was determined to prove that this film was a rip off. Sometimes, I did. Sometimes, I didn't. So..the fact that people praised this film so much and the fact that I hated this really got my pissed off and I used to get into rants and start yelling etc etc..I have had fights in person, on youtube, on facebook., you name it. People also thought that I didn't have a heart because I didn't cry when Mufasa dies.. :/ That made everything even worse..
Anyways, a few weeks ago, I actually sat down and watched the film...for the first the theater.  Expectations were VERY low because I wasn't expecting my opinion of the film to change. I don't know why I went and saw it. I think the whole..seeing a classic Disney film in the theater lured me in. Anyways, when it started, There was a title screen that said "A special 3D presentation" and i don't know why but i started getting emotional. Then that infamous screen of the sun rising came up and..I started crying. PLEASE don't ask me why. I can't even figure out why. During the whole opening scene, I was crying away and then the title came up! Bam! Stopped crying and then watched the rest of the film tear less. Even when Mufasa died.. I do have a heart by the way. I have cried in heaps of other film and some I can't even watch because I cry to much..>.<
During the rest of the film, I watching did I miss out on this!? Curse my stupid childhood haha. I personally think the best part of this film is the comic relief. I don't care what anyone else thinks, I love the comic relief in Disney films. Makes them better in my opinion. I think the comic relief works best in this film because...well because this film doesn't have the best plot. I mean...nothing much happens. In films nowadays, they would have this type of plot plus quite a few sub plots on top of it. Also..I wanted more female characters..There is like 2 in this film. I personally find female characters more interesting to watch on screen so that's why I think this film lacks in some points.
My opinion on the film hasn't entirely changed. I still think The Little Mermaid, Cinderella etc are way better films and I will never replace those films as my favourites. I do think Lion King is good..But I still think it is quite overrated.
But i do have one thing to thank Lion King for. It was been announced that we are getting Beauty And The Beat, Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo and Little Mermaid are getting the 3D re-release treatment :D And I LOVE all of these films :) I personally can't wait to see Ariel on the big screen again. (I went to see the film in the 1997 re-release twice :D) So yeah! Bring on the rest of these films! :)

Watch the trailer down below:

4 out of 5 stars for me :)

Friday 21 October 2011

My favorite TV shows :D

Hey guys! So..I'm not going to the cinema in the next week (Nothing new coming out here) But there are like 3 new movies coming out next week that I wanna see( In Time, Fright Night, I Don't Know How She Does It.)
So...for my weekly post and for a bonus, since my review for Abduction wasn't that long, I'm gonna tell you what TV shows I watch and what my new favorites are :D So I think I will start with my all time favs :D

Sex And The City

Now..this is a show that I discovered..around 3 years ago, I think.For the longest time, I got told that I was never allowed to watch this show. I was always told that it was inappropriate for me and all that jazz. But, the way I discovered this show was quite strange. In 2008, I brought the first SATC film on DVD. I dunno why I brought it was a two disc version with a slipcase. So that drew me in.  But I never watched the film. It just sat on my shelf looking pretty. So, within the next year, I went into a used book store and they had the first season there for really cheap. I dunno why I brought it..but I did. So..I watched the first season and LOVED IT!! Just the bonds between all of the characters and all of the different scenarios that they went through, I just loved! But the main friendship between the four girls is what sold me on this show. The chemistry between them all is so strong you can tell that they really love each other. So over the next few months, I brought the rest of the series on DVD and got addicted! So finished the series and laughed and cried with the girls as they went through everything. Everything dealing from cancer, break-ups, marriages, moving cities etc. And of course I have watched the films as well. I finally watched my unused DVD copy of the first film and LOVED IT! Very rarely, I can watch a film that has me crying and laughing all at the same time. So over the years, It has become one of my all time favorite films :D And then..number 2 came out..I went opening day with my mother and I was very excited :D be honest, I was very satisfied. I can proudly admit that I am one of the only people that actually LOVED SATC 2 :D It had all of the moments of friendship that I wanted. I know that the story wasn't the greatest but I was laughing away with the girls :D So yeah! That's my relationship with Sex And The City. Ever since it has become one of my obsessions :D Here! Let me show you :D

I kinda went out and brought the original movie poster..Also, I have brought books, soundtracks, blu rays, perfumes etc. And I have also gotten quite a few friends of my friends into the series as well :D So yeah! That just shows you how much I love Sex And The City :D

Next show I have is...The Nanny

This show and I go WAY back!  As long as I can remember, I can remember seeing the opening to this show on TV when I was younger but I never watched the show for some reason. Then..A few years later, I rented the second season on DVD.  I dunno why I did. It must of been a spur of the moment thing. But anyways, i watched and..I really liked it. It don't know why, But I didn't love it back then as I do now. Anyways, I went to the store and I found the first and second season for really cheap so I just brought them and watched them. And...I found myself watching the two seasons OVER and OVER and OVER. I just fell in love with the whole thing and all of the separate characters and the humor. 3 years later the third season came out on DVD and I was over the moon!  So..I watched that season religiously as well. first and second season decided to break on me :(  So ATM I only have the third season to watch. They need to release the rest of the series of DVD! I need some more Nanny to watch!
Anyways, since I have watched this so show so many times, I think it has become my favorite TV series. I personally can't get enough of the show and I never get sick of it. Not to mention, I have fallen in love with Fran Drescher :D I actually don't find her voice annoying. i think it's part of her charm. So I actually love it :D


So..the show and I go WAY, WAY back! I used to actually watch this when I was younger and I still do nowadays. From what I can remember, I used to watch Bewitched at 6.00 and Sabrina, The Teenage Witch at 6.30 :D So this is one of the only shows that I watched when I was younger that I still watch now. And own on DVD haha! So..I don't know why I love this show so much. Maybe the nostalgia of it? I know that I love the cast and the charm of it. I know that if you watch the show nowadays, the effects seem tacky and laughable but I'm sure that in it's day, the effects were believable and that they created an impact in its time. They have certainly created an impact on me because I have used the effects that they use in my own movies. And because of this show, I wouldn't of know how to use those effects. So this show has a really special place in my heart in that manor. Now, I own the first 5 seasons on DVD. I personally never watch past the fifth season because I don't like it when they change Darrin's. I grew up with Dick York playing the character so that's the way I like it to be :D


So...I still watch a lot of cartoons nowadays :D I don't think I will ever grow out of cartoons. I didn't watch as  many as other kids but I have my certain favorites :D

Beavis and Butt-Head

Now, I didn't watch this cartoon growing up. It was another thing that I wasn't allowed to watch growing up. But as I grew up, I started to really get into animated films so I watched the film. And I liked the film but I didn't really get it that much. So..I went to the store and found the first DVD volume for really cheap so I brought it. So, I watched it and loved it! I have grown to love the humor and just go along with it :D So I went out and brought the next two volumes. And as of now, I have watched them all religiously. I personally can't get enough of it! And I have watched the film quite a few times now as well. And now, I can't wait for the new series to start next week :D


I frigging love this show! This was my favorite show to watch growing up and I still love it to this day :D I don't know why this is my favorite. I guess, its because I never watched many of the other shows. I never watched The Angry Beavers, Cat-Dog, Rocko's Modern Life, Hey Arnold or anything like that. Gosh, I never watched anything haha! But I loved all of the characters and the different situations that they got into. Now..I didn't watch this for that long. I thought after Dil came into the picture, the series went down hill. I hated Dil!! He was so bloody annoying! And then when Kimi came in, the animation changed, and I didn't like the series after that.  So..I just watched old reruns and I really liked the movies so i watched all of them over and over :D So yeah. Rugrats will always have a special place in my heart as the cartoon I always used to watch after school :D

Spongebob Squarepants

SPONGEBOB! I want to marry Spongebob :D I love this show SOOO much :D I have loved this show ever since it first came out :D I think everyone loves this show because of it's randomness :D Seriously, every episode in this show is like WTF!? And the characters in this are just loveable! I love Patrick in this :D And Squidward. And Sandy. O darn, I love everyone in this! I just flipping love this show! :D


I love Anime! I have loved Anime ever since I was small. One of my favorite shows growing up was Sailor Moon :D It used to be on at like 7am in the morning so I used to get up to watch it haha! I dunno why i love it so much! I just think I loved anything with cool female leads :D And since Serena had cool powers and everything it made it all the better :D Apparently, I used to have a costume and barbie dolls and everything of Sailor Moon! I personally don't remember having any of these but that's what my parents said haha!
Then, when I got into my very early pre-teens, Cardcaptors came on TV and I got hooked all over again :D It used to be on TV at like 4pm so I used to rush home to watch it :D Still to this day, I have my Clow book :D (The book where Sakura keeps all of her cards :D) I had videos, dolls, books etc. I loved it!
Now recently, I have gotten into Anime again. I have started watching Yuru Yuri, Lucky Star and HEAPS of others! I dunno why I love Anime so much. I just love all of the cuteness that they have :)

Ok..Let's get onto the recent shows that I watch :D These are gonna be shows that have been on the air for more than a year :D I will do all of shows that are new this year later on :D

The Big Bang Theory

When this show first came out, I HATED IT! I refused to watch it and I thought it was stupid and annoying etc. But then...I caved in..I watched the first few episodes and got hooked!  The best thing about this show is the characters! I mean, Sheldon Cooper is the best character on TV! The fact that he is just the way he is makes the show so funny to watch! Although I don't really like Raj and Howard that much, Sheldon just makes the whole show :D Also, I love the whole Jewish Stereotype with Howard and his mother. I am so happy that the show is getting a 6th and 7th season :D
Also, does anyone else thing Leonard is super sexy! :D

Desperate Housewives

Yay! I have loved this show ever since it first came on. I love that this show has the elements of a sitcom and of a drama show. Anything with great leading ladies, i will watch :D But anyways, this show..I love that it has mysteries and that each season has it's own separate mystery. The show has had it's share of loves and hates. There are some certain plot lines that I have hated and some that I have loved.  Some characters I love and some characters I hate. But I am glad that I have stuck this show out right till the end :D I know that the season currently airing is the final season and I am really sad to see it go. But I hope that all the questions I have will be answered. Nothing I hate more than unanswered questions. Anyways, I love the humor in this! Some of the situations that the girls get into are so hilarious and I personally love seeing humor and drama in one show :D


Ahhh!!! What gay guy doesn't love Glee!! :D I love everything about this show! The music, the characters, the plot lines, the humor, EVERYTHING!! To me, I call this show alternative. Just the way it's delivered and the just don't find in a normal TV show. Even though I don't like some of the stereotypes that the show gives off, it all pays off with believable characters. Of course, everyone can relate to this show! There is a character in here that everyone can relate to. For me, of course it's Kurt. My old high school and Mckinley have a lot in common bully wise... But anyways..One of the shows I look forward to watching every week :D

The Vampire Diaries

Ahhh, of course you had to know that this would be on here :D I have only seen the first season to be honest. I actually brought it without knowing what it would be like...So I watched it and LOVED it! I loved everything about this show! The storylines, the characters, the special effects. Everything! But..I missed watching season 2 on TV so I had to wait for the DVD. And that came out a couple of weeks ago so..I just have to wait to get that :D So yeah.......GO TEAM STEFAN AND JEREMY!

So..That's that! Now I have to tell you what ones I like that are new this year :D Gosh this has been going for so long haha!

2 Broke Girls

Now...I was very skeptical about this..It just didn't seem that interesting to me. But then, I saw it stared Kat Dennings and was being made by the makers of Sex And The City :D So I watched the pilot and LOVED it! The plot isn't exactly original but the way that this show portrays it is hilarious! I love the cast and the humor :D I think this is the show that I look forward to the most watching every week :D


Oh my gosh, I love this show! The way that this show takes the piss out if the suburbs and stereotypes is just so hilarious!! The characters are each so unique and the humor is just so perfect and spot on :D Also..I loved the Glee reference that they made in the pilot episode :D

And last but not least..New Girl :D

I have excited for this show for AGES just because I love Zooey Deschanel :D And when it finally arrived, I was SOO happy!! :D The pilot to this show was SOO funny! The whole plot line with Dirty Dancing was just genuis :D And then the episode where Jess went over to her ex boyfriends house to get her stuff back was just so funny! Anyways, there has only been 3 episodes so far but I can tell you that I am most excited for the new episodes :D

So..That's that! Jeez, that was long! So hope everyone enjoyed and I hope I'm not the only gay guy that likes these shows :D

Thursday 20 October 2011


Hey guys! :D So I just got back from the cinema....again.Tonight, I saw Abduction...for the second time :D I saw the film opening weekend and I wanted to see it again from a critic point of view. I had to choose from this, Smurfs or Real Steel. No way in hell am I seeing Smurfs again and I really don't wanna see a movie about boxing robots. I don't care if it's good or anything. I won't sit through a sport movie. Gay stereotype, I know but..I really hate sport. Anyways! let's get started :D

First up I have to say that that poster is lying to you haha. When he goes down that glass..thing, he doesn't get shot at and he doesn't hold a gun haha.
Anyways..enough nit picking..
Wow, I can't believe I saw a 2D movie for once haha! I personally can't see why this movie is getting so bashed on. It's certainly not as bad as..Oh I dunno...Smurfs and Spy Kids 4! I'm sorry..those movies really got me aggravated. This..certainly didn't! First time I watched this I absolutely loved it! I was having fun with all of the action and..I just really loved it. But I didn't watch it from a critic point of view. So I did, this time around. And..I have a few nit picks but I don't its as bad as some other people are saying it is.
The major nit pick I have with this is the story. Now..I don't know how this story is compared with other action films since I very rarely watch these kind of films. I usually avoid these kind of films since I find the whole CIA thing confusing. For example, I watched Salt a while back and I found that film confusing as hell. Anyways..(sorry, I always get sidetracked lol) this one I found somewhat confusing. I really want to talk about the story but I don't want to spoil it. Let's just say that somethings don't connect and they don't really explain somethings to the fullest extent. I'm not saying that there are plot holes but some things just don't make perfect sense to me. Maybe that's because I haven't seen that many of these movies before, I don't know. But some parts were just confusing to me.
Next thing is editing. Some of the editing was really choppy and random in this! For example, there is a scene near the beginning of the film where they build some character development and it's a fighting scene. Every shot is liek BAM! BAM! BAM! Everything changes quickly and you can't take in what is going on. There are a few scenes where that happens so it does get annoying.
Next thing is the acting. Some of the performances in this (SOME! Not all) weren't exactly...brilliant. I usually can't tell when people are acting really bad unless it's really obvious. The first person that comes to mind is Sigourney Weaver. I have HUGE respect for her as in actress and I was super excited when it was announced that she would be part of this film. Even though she isn't in this for long, (try the start and end of the film) you can tell that she just wanted her pay check. There are some other actors that couldn't act that well but I don't really know their names since they are minor characters.
The last thing I wanna talk about is the main cast. (This review isn't gonna be as thorough as the other ones because there isn't that much to talk about to be honest) Now, I am gonna share something personal with you guys. I am a HUGE Twilight fan and I am seriously in love with Taylor Lautner :D (Team Jacob!) So, of course, he was the real reason why I wanted to see this film. And for a Taylor fan, I was very satisfied :D Even though there are only like 2 shots where his shirt off....:( For all of those people that say that all this film is a movie where Taylor is running around with his shirt off through out the whole thing, I can tell you that there is only 2 scenes where that happens haha! As acting wise..Sure, he isn't the best actor in the world but he certainly isn't the worst! (Tommy Wiseau, anyone?) I mean..he actually cries in this film. I certainly can't fake cry haha! So..yeah! I absolutely idolize Taylor as a person so I really can't give him any hate for this film. Also, I am so used to seeing him as Jacob from The Twilight Saga so for me, it's so weird seeing him drinking and partying etc. Also...It's so weird seeing him being called with a different name. It's like when I saw Water For Elephants. That movie starred Robert Pattinson who plays Edwards in Twilight. His charcters names was Jacob in that film so..that was weird for me! But anyways, in Abduction, Taylor plays a character called....Nathan..Now, if you don't know, my real name is Nathan as well so it was so weird seeing Taylor being called my name. I am still convinced that it's a sign! :D One can only hope..
The other main character in this is called Karen who is played by Lily Collins. I actually really liked her in this! I can defiantly tell that she is going to become a new star out of Hollywood and I am defiantly looking forward to seeing how she would play Snow White in the new upcoming film :D
Also..I think the rest of the cast in underused. Jason Issacs, Maria Bello and Alfred Molina are all great in this but they just aren't in it very much. I mean, they aren't pointless. Each of their characters are important to the plot but apparently not to important to be in it for more than a third of the film. Bit disappointed in that manor.
Oh, one more thing! I LOVE the action in this film! The train scene and the car chasing scenes, oh gosh I love them all! All very well individually choreographed and fun to watch all at the same time.
Now...That's all I can come up with to be honest. I have no effects or 3D or anything like that to comment on,  unfortunately.. Anyways, I really liked this film. I love to watch the action and the actors are fun to watch and look at. So, I am going to classify this as a positive review since I think that is deserves more than 5 percent on Rotten Tomatoes >.<

Watch the trailer down below:

3 out of 5 stars for me :D :D

Monday 17 October 2011

The Three Musketeers 3D

Hey guys! :D So I went and saw the new Three Musketeers movie yesterday. I've been really looking forward to this film for a super long time for reasons I will explain later on. If I am not mistaken, We got this film before you guys in America :D Not being cocky or anything but I do find that quite cool :D Anyways, let's get started! :D

Did anybody else think that this film had a homosexual vibe to it? I mean...their were so many hints in this that give off that vibe. Men kissing other men's hands, talking about kicking the habit of staying on your knees all the time. Not to mention that the actual musketeers don't really seem to be interested in women and only interested in themselves. Also they way that they thrust their swords at the screen. I know that swords are obvious phallic symbols but maybe that just proves that they are masculine...That's just something small that I noticed while watching this haha. Maybe that's just my homosexual mind at work lol :P
Ok, let me say that this was my first version of seeing this story. I know there has been quite a few re-tellings of the story in films and novels. But I hadn't had any other versions shown to me or anything like that. And I didn't know what the story was as well so yeah! And from what I got from the story..I didn't really understand this movie at all. There was a plotline with the character of the Cardinal(played by Christoph Waltz) and the character of Milady(played my Milla Jovovich) where they were planning something but I never knew what they were actually doing. There were just so many thing that weren't explained properly and fully to me. Like the main plot. There was something to do with the queen's jewels and then something to do with these air ships that Da Vinci supposedly made (Speaking of the airships, just on symbolism again, there were two statues at the end of each ship. At the end of the Musketeers ship, there was a lion and on the end of the bad guys ship(Can't remember his name, sorry. He was the leader of some army) there was the grim reaper. Now a lion is obviously a symbol for courage, strength etc and the grim reaper is a symbol for death. I mean, this could be foreshadowing, I don't know but they actually zoomed in on the statues so its there for some reason) . Just nothing really intertwined and so many things didn't make sense to me. So the story I felt was very weak. That could be the screenwriters fault, I don't know but nothing just really flowed for me, story wise.
Also, on the topic of screenwriters, it seemed to me that the Musketeers were secondary characters. Most of the film focuses on this subplot with the Cardinal and Milady. Maybe they had something to do with the main plot, I don't know, but they seemed to take up most of the majority of the film.
Ok...cast...I have to say, I LOVE the cast in this film...for one particular reason :D

Ahhhh..isn't he gorgeous! :D Logan Lerman was the main reason why I wanted to watch this film :D And I have to admit he is one of only male celebrities than can pull off long hair :D Ever since I saw him in Percy Jackson, I have had the biggest crush on him :) Anyways, I think he was the best choice to play D'Artagnan. From what I can tell, he is a young, rebellious, brave and cocky character. Everything that Logan is :D So I loved his performance in this. Not to mention he spends most of the film smiling at the camera :D Nothing wrong with that in my books!
The other most memorable performance in this was from Milla Jovovich who played Milady. I can tell she had the most fun with this film. I haven't had much experience with her before so I don't know what kind of an actress she is, but if she is like the way she was in this in every film she has been in, then I am sure she would be one of my favorite actresses. She was fun to look at in this. Every line she gave in this, every move she made was cunning, smart and witty. Just what I like in an actress :D Also, did anyone else thinks she looks like Taylor Swift?
It was also great to see Orlando Bloom in something new :D I have loved him ever since Pirates Of The Carribean.(Which this film has quite a lot of similarities to Pirates) Anyways he wasn't in this much but he did have quite a lot to do with the plot :D
Everyone else in this...wasn't exactly memorable..I can't remember anyone else's names or what their characters were like. So sorry that I can't give you that much information on them. I can tell you that the musketeers do share some quite smart and humorous lines at each other :D
Ok..Visual effects. The effects in this were MINDBLOWING!! Most of the time, I couldn't tell what was green screen and what was practical effects. All of the bird's eye shots with the airships were just...WOW! Everything looked so real. All of the buildings were so realistic and...I just want to know what was real and what was effects. All of the sets in this looked so elaborate and looked like it had so detail taken in to it. I know that creating the 17th/18th century(not sure which one) can be quite hard(Costumes, propes etc) but in this, it looked like the crew actually cared about everything looked like.
In the last quarter of the film, there was a lot of action and battles between the two air ships and the designs of all the weapons on the musketeers ship were just so creative! The last quarter of this film, I absolutely loved! All of the action and suspense was just so much fun to look at!
Ok...last but not least..3D. My cinema was only showing this in 3D but that's ok since I like 3D :D The 3D in this..I really liked. I know it was shot in 3D(since it was advertised in the trailer) and you can defiantly tell. This looks nothing like that crappy post-conversion 3D. The 3D in this wasn't really gimmicky but this is one of those films were the create depth and make you feel like you are stepping into a story book. I haven't had that experience happened to me before. Maybe I didn't notice it before but I defiantly noticed it in this. Again, I think it was the sets and the visual effects that helped create the effect. I just felt like I was in this world with the characters and living the story with them :D There are a few gimmicky shots where the characters fling their swords into the air or the thrust them in to the screen but these shots don't really work. To be honest, I think the best 3D shots in this was with all of the slow-mo effects. With nearly all of the action scenes, they usually slow-mo them down to add some effect. I loved it in this film! Whenever they blow anything up, they put it into slow-mo and all of the rubble flings into your face. I enjoyed that the most out of the 3D.
Ok..Just one more quick mention of something. I LOVED the opening to this film! They introduce each of the musketeers in their own separate way and then they give them their own title cards. I personally love it when films do that. Then Milady has to work her way through this room full of booby traps. During this, they have arrows and flying, spiky balls flying at your face in slow-mo. I just love this kind of set up and in 3D it was awesome to look at. I think the opening had to be the highlight of the film besides Logan :D
So..I have a love-hate relationship with this film. I was constantly getting confused throughout the whole plot, they were adding so many new things and I didn't understand any of it.  So that is my one and only complaint with this film.  Everything else I loved! The effects, the 3D, the sets and of course...

Isn't he just so gorgeous!! :D :D :D

Watch the trailer down below:

3.5 stars out of 5 for me :D

Thursday 13 October 2011

The Smurfs

Hey guys! :D So..went to the cinema again today haha! Went and saw The Smurfs with my little cousins and my little brother haha. And yes...we just got October, when it came out in July, I think in America.. But anyways, I wasn't very interested in seeing this lol. I didn't grow up with Smurfs so I didn't really know anything about them or what the series was like or anything like that. So I don't really know what I was expecting to be honest..Anyways, Enough chit-chat. Let's get on to the good stuff.

How the smurf did this film make over half a billion dollars!? I mean, the makers of this movie stole the plot from the 2007 Disney film 'Enchanted' and that only made $340 million at the box office. I know that 'Enchanted' was mostly aimed at females but THIS to make over $500 million!? How the smurf does that work out!? 'Enchanted' was a way better film by my standards and I absolutely love that film! This does not even come close to 'Enchanted' in my books! Why do all of the crap films have to make the most money?

Ok, first up, I just have to mention..why is there phallic symbolism in the poster!? (If you don't know what that is, google it) This is a CHILDREN'S film! Why do the designers have to add that in! I mean, sex won't exactly sell for a movie like this..Unless someone has a fetish for little blue people which I highly doubt.  But, maybe its linked to the film? I mean, there were enough double entendres in this... I have always wondered that about children films? Why do they have to have double entrendres in them? Maybe so they can get a chuckle out the adults in the audience? I mean, in certain films like the Brady Bunch films, it's ok because that's part of the humor. But in this type of film..It just makes it sound crude. Speaking of humor, I did not laugh at one joke in this film! Not one! Basically because I was frustrated throughout the whole film. The acting, the jokes, the plot, the CGI, the whole thing was enough to make someone go crazy! I know some of the adults that were watching the film were going to go crazy when they would go home. There is this one song that the Smurf characters sing over and over and over and even one of the characters tells them to shut up so they start humming it. When I left the theater (The screening I went to was sold out by the way) mostly all of the children were singing or humming that godforsaken tune! My 7 year old cousin was one of them..In the car ride home, that all we could here..That's enough to drive me nuts! It's like Alvin And The Chipmunks all over again..Now, I could start talking about how this film compares with Alvin and that the film was made because Alvin was so successful..But..I can save that for another time. I have a lot of complaints about this film so I don't want to make this too long.
Ok, the first thing I noticed about this film is the pacing. When the film starts, everything happens so fast that it seems VERY rushed. And there is NO character development. There is no time to learn each of the characters names and before you know it, they are already in New York and having fun admiring all of the product placement. And then, at certain scenes, they can drag on for SOO long and be SOO slow! I would have preferred the slow scenes at the start of the film so I can feel for the characters and start caring about them. And then I would have preferred to have the fast scenes in the middle of the film where it really starts to lag. Even though I very highly doubt that I could ever feel for blue people. Didn't feel for them in Avatar, didn't feel for them in this.
Next thing is the acting/voice acting.OMG, Why can't I ever find a movie were people can actually act! Some of the other reviews say that Neil Patrick Harris was the best thing about this movie. I couldn't stand him in this! He has so lifeless and boring to watch! There were scenes where him and the female lead talk about their newborn baby and all of that. You could so tell that he didn't care. I know he is gay and all so maybe that's his excuse. I don't know if he grew up with Smurfs and wanted to be part of the reboot. Or if he just wanted a huge ass pay check. Either way..horrible job. Ok, Hank Azaria played the evil wizard Gargamon(I think that's his name) and he played his role fine. He wasn't given that much to start off with. He plays his role over the top and you can tell that he is having a good time with it. Even though the script was a bit weak and he had to deliver some really unfunny jokes. But when we got to the third act, you can tell that he really hates these smurfs and that he will do anything to kill them. It's so much fun to watch when he gets his magic wand and starts going ballistic with it. He starts firing magic everywhere and you can tell that he is really having fun with it. So I praise him for his performance in this role. The voice acting in this...I didn't really like..The main Papa Smurf..I REALLY didn't like. He spoke in a monotone through out the whole film and it really peeved me off! Like in moments when the smurfs were in danger, he spoke in the same slow, monotone voice and it just didn't seem like he cared that his sons and one daughter were in danger. Katy Perry..she's fine in this.. except when she is singing and making numerous references to herself.."I kissed a smurf and I liked it" for example..
Ok..Humor..Like I said..I didn't find anything in this film funny! The humor in this is basically just taking a normal saying and replacing the main word with smurf. For example "Why the smurf would you do that?" With nearly sentence that the smurfs say, the writers tried to put smurf into it. I don't get why they had to do this? Maybe it was in the original TV series but still, why would they do that! Trust me! It does get on your nerves after in a while. Also, they add some jokes deliberately into the script! For example, there is a scene where the main character gets into a taxi and Gargamel runs behind it, trying to catch up to him because the smurfs are in the cab. Patrick(Neil Patrick Harris's charcter. I know, real original character name right?) says that he forgets his cell phone and the taxi brakes hard. Garagamel catches up to the taxi when it brakes and smashes right into the back of it. Right when that happens, Patrick finds his cell phone in his bag and the cab driver resumes driving. What was the point of that scene!!?? For some laughs from the children, of course! Pathetic, if you have to add those kind of scenes just for laughs. Shows that you have crap screenwriters. There is also this one scene where the smurfs and Patrick play a song on the video game Rock Band. It goes o for like 5 minutes! I hate these type of culture reference scenes! I mean, they even have one of the smurfs play on the drums like the rabbit in the film Hop(Which wasn't a much better film, I might add) There was no point to it guessed it..It wasn't funny.
My last nit pick that I have is the CGI. There is this cat(Can't remember his name) which is Gargamel's sidekick. With some shots, he is CG and some he is a real cat. The CG on this character is HORRIBLE!! He looks so cartoony and...not real. Here, let me show you.

You see what I mean!? Just....horrible! I haven't seen this bad CGI since Deep Blue Sea..And that film is nearly 13 years old! The CG on the smurfs is absolutely fine. Nothing wrong with them, nothing particularly amazing.
Now my one good thing I have to say about this is the 3D. Like I have said before, I am a huge fan of 3D. When it is used correctly, It can be such a pleasure to see and a delight for the eyes. When used poorly, it can  be hard to see and it can look just like a 2D movie.  This film..had a mixture of both. Some scene looked like a normal 2D movie and some were really eye popping.  With scenes with the characters just talking, it looked like a 2D but the finale was awesome! Gargamel kept on firing his magic at the screen while he was capturing the smurfs and there they were. Dangling in front of our eyes. Also he was blowing heaps of crap up and most of it was flying all over the place :D
So yeah..again..I really hated this film. Man, I can't find a good film to watch! The story was copied, the script was weak, the jokes were unfunny and the acting was horrible!
I think if you want to entertain the children for 2 hours then pop this in front of them and they will surly be entertained.(Just beware that there are some scenes where is only talk about about babies and work promotions, all that kind of stuff and no smurfs are present in these scenes) But if you are a teenager like me and want a good movie, I suggest you see Abduction, The Help or Friends With Benefits.

Watch the trailer down below:
2 out of 5 stars for me :/

Saturday 8 October 2011

Spy Kids 4:All The Time In The World

Hey guys! Ok, I went to the cinema today and went and saw Spy Kids 4. I know this film came out in August, I think in America, but in New Zealand we usually get most films late. For example, the worst case I think was that Coraline came out in February 2009 in the US. We didn't get it until August >.< Anyways, I am not writing a review about Coraline, I am writing a review about Spy Kids. Lets get started!! :D

OK, let me say that I LOVED the original Spy Kids trilogy growing up! I have watched the first two in the series numerous times growing up and I did like the 3rd one, just not as much as the first two. I loved the script, I loved the actors, I loved the different missions and all of the different obstacles that Carmen and Juni had to go through in each film. Every thing that I loved in the original trilogy wasn't present in this piece of garbage. The writing wasn't there, the actors weren't there, the missions weren't there and there were no obstacles.
I was expecting to this film to revamp the original series and make a new trilogy. Now, I am hoping that everyone will forget about this film and just leave the original trilogy as it is.
The main thing that I hated about this film was the writing. The original trilogy had some clever dialogue and  didn't have to rely on poop and fart jokes and puns. That's what most of the humor was in this film. Nearly every line in the film had a pun that involved time. It was always something about a watch, clocks, minutes etc. It very very vaguely reminded me of all of the puns that were in Batman & Robin..and we all know how that film turned out... The rest of the dialogue was always something about poop or farting or something to to with dogs. The original films didn't have ANYTHING like that! I hated how Robert Rodriguez let the writer of the this film put all of this into the film. He should what the original films are like DIRECTED THEM! And don't even get me started on how annoying that bloody dog was.
Another thing that I really hated was the acting in this film. NO ONE could act! The main kids in the films were just...unbearable! I couldn't believe that these two were cast..They couldn't act to save their lives and it was really noticeable..All of their lines were delivered way too over the top or with no passion at all. Surly they could of found some kids who can actually act. I mean, they found some who could act for the first movie..why not this time round?  The rest was of the cast was just as bad. Jessica Alba hasn't made the best choices of film recently. I know that she has likes to be in Robert's films but she could at least but a bit of effort into her performance. Jole McHale...What the hell was he doing in this...In fact, I should say..Why was he in this? He didn't do anything! He just did what he did in real life! Be annoying and do random television shows...He didn't do anything and he had nothing to do with the plot. He was just..there...and he took up unnecessary space. The cast was just..CRAP!
The plot of this film was.. incomprehensible. It involved something to do with time travel and to me, time travel is confusing as it is and then this added something more to make it even more confusing. Movies...DON'T ADD TIME TRAVEL! You will only create plot holes and make things confusing. The only film I have seen that pulled it off was Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban. And of course, Harry Potter is a masterpiece and Spy Kids 4 isn't.. And because of the time travel, the villain of the film was able to clone himself a billion times or something so..yeah..I will leave that thought with you to think about..
I am actually a huge fan of 3D. I support it all of the way just as long as the format is used correctly. For Example..Final Destination 5, Cars 2 and Transformers: Dark Of The Moon. This..was not one of those films.. I remember when I saw Spy Kids 3D: Game Over. I was constantly grabbing for things and ducking all over the place. I had so much fun with that film. This one...had NOTHING!  I was so bloody disappointed! I was hoping for them to have the same gimmicky stuff like number 3 had. This one had a couple of shots where things were supposed to come forward to your face..but they just didn't..It felt like I was watching a 2D movie. Now I don't know if the film was converted into 3D or shot in 3D but if it was shot in 3D..HORRIBLE JOB DIMENSION STUDIOS! The best 3D shot was in the opening credits with the Troublemaker Studios logo..
The ending to the film was so cheesy! The two kids from the film pretended that they were recording the cinema and that all of the children in the cinema watching the film are recruited to being a spy kid..I have to admit, It sounds like a cool concept but it comes off cheesy and REALLY rehearsed and staged..
The film keeps on paying these 'homages' to the original film. There was a true homage to the original films but I will get to that later. The 'homages' that the had, were that they new families house looked the same, the kids were introduced the same way to the OSS as the original ones and they even remix the soundtrack slightly. But it didn't come off like an homage. It just felt like they were trying to reboot the original film. And speaking of homages, that leads me to one one positive thing that is in this film.
The one positive thing in this film was that fact that Alexa Vega (who played Carmen in the original films) was in this film. And not for a quick cameo, she was in this for about half of the film and she has an important part to the plot. Daryl Sabara(Juni) comes in around 3 quarters of the film but he doesn't do much. He was just there for the novelty of it. The only other person who came back was Danny Trejo(Machete) but he was in it for around 5 seconds. Talk about a cameo.
The only thing that I loved about this film was the scene where Carmen introduces the two main kids to the recently shut down Spy Kids division where they had nearly ALL of the original gadgets from the first 3 films. So we had heaps of flashbacks of the original films only made me want to watch the first 3 films all over again. And then we have a montage of Carmen And Juni using the gadgets and I have to admit, that made me smile :D But then we got back to this movie and I actually groaned..I just wish we were watching something even remotely like the orginals..
So..Yeah..I really did hate this film. Some of the scenes were unbearable to watch, the writing was so bad that they had to rely on poop and fart jokes for laughs, the actors were horrible to watch and the 3D sucked. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone!  Avoid this film like the plague! The only redeeming factor is the fact that Alexa Vega came back and you will be able to watch the scenes she is in on youtube..So don't pay to watch them! I'm glad I didn't have to pay for this, I had a voucher where I could get in for free so that makes me feel a bit better.
I have to give this..2 out of stars. I gave it one extra star for the appearances of some of the original case coming back.

P.S...and the sniff card things SUCK!! I can tell you why its free...because all you will be sniffing is cardboard or vomit flavoured scents >.<

Watch the trailer below:

Sunday 2 October 2011

Mr Popper's Penguins.

Heya! First post woohoo! OK, so lets started. So I am a 18 year old gay guy who has a weird taste in films. I don't like to watch all of the mainstream films that people talk about all the time eg: The Godfather, Back To The Future, all those kind of films. Give me hate, I don't care but they are not the films I choose to watch over and over and over. I'm not saying they are bad films or anything, just not my personal favorites. So don't expect to see anything like that on here.
So, enough negativity, From this day forward, with every new film I watch on DVD/Blu Ray or the Cinema, I will post on here what I thought of it and give my review. I will try and post every week as I normally go to the cinema once or twice a week. If I don't watch a film in a week, I will post a movie related post. Maybe something to do with my DVD collection or with what I recommend or something. But we will cross that bridge when we cross it :D
Ok so my first review is for a film called Mr Popper's Penguins. Lets get started!

Ok, first up let me say that I was not interested in seeing this film at all! I'm not the biggest fan of Jim Carrey and I really can't stand these predictable animal movies. I mean, you can tell what happens if you watch the trailer. But then the reviews started coming saying that it was actually somewhat decent and that it has heart and all that jazz. So I caved in and watched it a couple of hours ago.
Ok..Where do I start.. Well I was right about the predictability. Everything happened just as I had planned. From the neglect to the animals when the antagonist first meets them, to when the protagonist comes in and tries to take the animals away for what ever reason and to the revelation that the antagonist has something bad or negative happens to him/her. I wasn't expecting this film to break the formula in anyway. But I began to think that since the film made quite a bit of money that adults and children who went to see this film is that maybe, that's what they want to see. They don't want to step out of there comfort zone and see what they know. They just don't want see anything original or see anything that will break out of the convention. Exactly like romantic comedies.
A few more nit picks I have, Jim Carrey is playing..Jim Carrey. He is just playing the same guy that he does in every film that he is in. I really can't stand actors that play the same part in every single film! Like Seth Rogan and Vince Vaughn. They have the plot..and then they have really random Jim Carrey bits in this film. It's like they filmed the main plot and then after production wrapped they shot Jim Carrey doing really unhumorous things just to get some laughs from the children in the audience. And of course, no one likes an unfunny joke. There were also some jokes added in with the penguins. They each have their own personality traits and each have their own set of jokes which coincide with their traits. It seems cute when you first met the penguins but it does get annoying as the movie goes on.
Speaking of the penguins, The CGI in the film is really bad, especially when they have close ups of the penguins. But it's nothing that the kids won't notice.
Also, some of the plot feels a bit weak and rushed. For example, the main villain of the film(If you can call him a villian) isn't really in it. The plot centers entirely on the penguins and how they settle into Tom Popper's apartment. And when we do get to the subplot with the villain, it's not very thought through. The reason why the Zoo want the penguins is really weak and you can tell that it was rushed just so they could finish the film. And that is exactly the same when Tom goes into his sad phase when something negative happens to him like every film does. The sadness and negativity lasts for around 2-3 minutes and then they get back to the happy, positive stuff very quickly. It's like they added the sad part in just so they keep it safe and stick to the conventions.
One last nit pick(It's not a big one) is that the people who are in contact with the character of John Popper never call him by his first name. His kids don't call him dad or daddy or anything like that. They call him Popper. Everyone in the film addresses the character as Popper. I don't know if this a mistake in the script or if it was supposed to be a joke but I found it SOO annoying! Who in their right mind would call their dad by there last name!
Ok..Positive stuff. My main praise for this film is that cast(Besides Jim Carrey) The children who play Jim Carrey's kids are great at playing their parts(Even though the female child can get annoying at times with her constant cliche of being a teenage girl.) Carla Gugino is as great as always since as she is in any role and I was shocked to see Angela Lansbury in this film. When I saw her, my respect for the film raised very highly.
Another positive point is that the film is very charming. Some of the moments with the penguins are absolutely adorable and great to watch(But then they are destroyed by Jim Carrey doing some stupid joke but anyways) Some of the subplots are interesting to watch like Mr Popper's Job. He goes around and buys buildings to demolish them and build new ones. But he then gets made to go seek the deed for a restaurant called Terrace On The Green(Which is owned by Angela Lansbury's character) The connection that he has to the place and the sub plot that goes with it which involves his father is really charming to watch and interesting to see how it all plays out.
So I bet it sounds like I really hated this film. But I didn't. I thought I would going into it but I came out feeling good about myself. The film itself is really charming and you do fall in love with the penguins. But it all gets ruined by Jim Carrey. Yeah...I really don't like him but I would of preferred him to Ben Stiller or Owen Wilson who were supposed to get role originally. And I really can't stand either of those two actors so I'm glad that Jim got the part in the aspect.
You won't get much out of the film but it will sure entertain the kiddies for 90 minutes I can tell you that much. The film is quite charming in some aspects but don't expect anything more.

Watch the trailer down below: