Wednesday 16 November 2011

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1.

Hey guys!! I'm back! I have taken a little break but I am back now. I will talk about all the films I have seen over the past few weeks in a few days but today..I'm gonna talk about Twilight. But I will mostly focus on Breaking Dawn: Part 1. I will talk about what I think of each film since I watched them all in the past week :D So if your not a Twilight fan, don't read :P

Well..I think everyone has heard of the Twilight saga by now :D I mean, I've even got my Nan to watch Twilight :D Anyways, I first heard about the movie when some of my friends were talking about the books, saying they were amazing and all of that. So I read the first half of the first book and loved it! I had to take it back to the library so I couldn't finish it :( So, a few weeks later my cinema announced that they were having a preview screening of the film so I thought. "Why the hell not!" So, I went to the movie and..I LOVED IT!  I had never really had much experience with vampires before so this was practically my first vampire movie. I loved everything about it. The cast, the story, the cinematography, everything :D The last 20 minutes, I was glued to the film! I was so intense and I was there with them. So..from this moment one..I became obsessed with the franchise :) The movie does grow old after around 10-20 watches(which is how many times I have watched it..:/) The movie gets old for me because..well basically, I hate Edward. I think he is way to over protective and creepy. I personally think that I wouldn't be able to fall in love with a 100 year old dude who never ages, who is always cold, pale and is..dead. I personally go for the long hair, hot, warm, buff..alive type..Which brings me to Jacob :D Jacob/Taylor is life :D I love everything about the character. Minus the fact that he's in Twilight for like 4 scenes :( That's why I don't like to watch it that much. But anyways, for an Edward fan, I'm sure that the film is perfect for them :)

New Moon:

Ahhh..New Moon. I can't tell you how excited I was for this film :D My friends and I had our tickets booked for ages and the day finally came :D And I was so pleased with it! I loved that most of the film had no Edward in it and that it focused on the friendship of Bella and Jacob. Edward was in Brazil to protect Bella or something. I was mostly focused on Jacob for the film :D He went through the transformation and got all of his hair cut off and Ahhh!! I love him :D My main complaint with this film was that it doesn't explain much..The whole Volturi thing, I don't really understand but I let those pass :) And the ending to this film woah! It leaves it on a total cliffhanger and nearly everyone in my screening was yelling or screaming at the screen haha! Anyways, from when I walked out of this..that's when I became truly obsessed :D I ended up seeing it 4 times in the cinema and buying the dvd the day it came out etc etc :D :D


Ahhh..Now this one I was truly excited for! I actually went to the midnight screening for this film. Also went to the double feature of Twilight and New Moon before it :D Anyways, this film was just...Ahhh, This film was intense the first time I watched it :D That tent scene...Hoo-haa! That was just tense and great to see on screen :) And then the main fight scene at the end, woah! That was just SOO much fun to watch :D Anyways, I think this film is a Team Edward film. There are so many scenes where it is just Edward and Bella talking about nothing. (I'm sure Edward fans love them but I certainly don't) Those are the scenes I always dread watching. Anyways, I ended up seeing this 5 times in the theater and I saw it again tonight before Breaking Dawn so that means I saw it 6 times in the cinema! Woo hoo that's a record for me :D

Breaking Dawn:Part 1

Ahhh..I went to the midnight screening for this one as well :D With the wait between Eclipse and Breaking Dawn (18 months), the fanbase began to die down and I was one of them. But not because I didn't like it anymore but because of a person. Anyways, with the trailers and posters for Breaking Dawn coming out, I started to get re-obsessed again :D And now..I am just..ultra-obsessed! This film was PERFECT in every way! Straight from the first few minutes, you can tell that that this film is different from the others. But in a very good way :) This one..has more life. With all of the other films..the actors don't really give their lines with much enthusiasm. But this one, they go all out! Especially Kristen Stewart. I love that this film has a new director. He has put so much fun and life in it!
In this film..I actually like Edward. ( I still love Jacob but Edward was bearable in this) You can tell that his character genuinely loves Bella and that she loves him back :) He just..he wasn't his boring self in this.
Ahh, this film was beautiful to look at. The wedding, Isle Esme, The beaches, everything just looked so gorgeous! And Kristen Stewart looked absolutely stunning in her wedding dress :) Everyone just seemed..real in this! In the previous films, they seemed 1 dimensional but in this one, they just seem..more real! More feelings, more love, more..everything! Ahhh, I can't talk about much without giving to much away..:(
OMG, I loved the wolf vision! You actually see the point of view of Jacob with him as a wolf and you can hear the wolves thoughts and everything :) I loved that they added this in since I didn't really know much about the tribe and stuff. They just don't introduce the characters very well in the previous films. But in this film, I now know their names and I can bring a name to a face :)
I was on the edge of my seat and biting my nails through out this film! I don't want to spoil anything but get prepared for some intense scenes :)
The music/soundtrack in this is so good! The soundtrack is actually filled with fun, rock songs not slow depressing songs like the previous films. I actually brought the soundtrack to be honest :D and they bring back the score from the first film as well :D And they also bring back Bella's Lullaby for a very important scene :)
So..That's all I really want to comment on at the moment. There are so many things I want to talk about but I don't really want to spoil anything.
So I think that this film is a Twilight fan's wet dream. Everything about it is perfect in every way in my opinion. The story, the characters, the quirkiness, the music, everything :) So even if you remotely like Twilight. GO SEE THIS!!!

P.S. Some people should take some tissues. My cousin and I were crying throughout it :( Also, look out for the cameo from Author, Stephenie Meyer and make sure you stay during the credits since there is a bonus clip :D